Architectural models to sell your projects

Architectural models can, at first glance, resemble a very complex child’s toy, be it a miniature model of a city, a housing estate or a park. However, a closer inspection would reveal the astonishingly high level of detail that these miniature models can provide.

Our customers are captivated by architectural models, since clients study every detail on the model with great interest that only grows with them imagining new lives in their own new home.
The models awaken the clients’ imagination and allow them to dream about their future. Models of projects evoke positive emotions and convey a realistic expectation of their new home.

An architectural model sells your future project, as it is a very effective sales tool.

Additional mechanisms and added miniatures will show your development projects in motion. Dynamic representation shows the project from multiple different angles. The detailed processing thereof gives the observer a realistic impression and will be deeply imprinted into your clients’ memory. When creating our models, we consider even the smallest details.

We know that clients can spend a fairly long time observing each model. Their attention is always captured by ever more details that they can find within the models’ interiors. The spatial representation of the model will also allow them to see the future home from bird’s eye view.

Drawings, sketches and paper concepts are important when presenting and architectural work. But 3D architectural models can showcase a project in an unexpected manner that captivates clients’ minds and allows them to see their new home or office in a new context.

Why do you need an architectural model?

A good architectural model maker will always ask you about the model’s function and for whom is it intended. Your answers will allow the maker to better understand the required dimensions of the model.

The main purpose of an architectural model is to help investors, end customers and business partners. All of that requires certain requirements regarding technical specification.

If the purpose of the models is to sell the property to end customers and you regard it as a complementary tool for your sales department, pay special attention to details, surroundings and proportions of the model.

If you’d like to present your project at an exhibition, it’s vital that you understand its purpose, because it will determine the overall looks of the model, its contents and the details that will be necessary.

An architectural model provides the client with general information regarding the project:

  • shows real proportions of the building within its surrounding area,
  • moving parts and mechanisms show different possibilities and bring the property to life,
  • clients can feel the model and touch its numerous parts, which increases their confidence in you.

Architectural model types

When choosing a model, it’s necessary to understand their purpose, because it determines key features of the model - proportions, details, material quality, moving mechanisms and more.

Main model types:

  • Conceptual – shows a concept or idea in progress. Especially suitable for presentation at exhibitions and competitions. The aim of this model type is to attract attention and display the main idea of the project.

  • Advertising – the most detailed model. Everything is determined by the client’s exact specifications. It uses realistic colours, proportions and materials.

  • Urban – a model of a neighbourhood or an entire city. Shows a specific vision of an area’s development.

  • Demonstrative – shows technological progress and advancement. The model is used to show technological processes used in the project. They are in high demand among our customers.

  • Engineering – a special type of architectural model adapted to show utilities and engineering processes. For example, it can show a part of a metro tunnel including all electrical installations, etc.

  • Souvenir – an unforgettable gift for your business partners. We always create them tailored to your needs.

As customers, you need not know all of the individual types of architectural models. That’s why we’re here. Your needs are sacred to us and we have an individual approach to each of the models we’re tasked to create. For us, each model is an original piece of work that can combine multiple model types.

What attributes to look for?

It’s important to choose the right purpose for an architectural model.

Understand where the model will be placed, how will it be handled and which of its features need to be highlighted.

The larger the scale, the more details can be showcased. Clients and onlookers alike will be blown away. The ideal scale is 1:100 with a single floor being 3 centimetres high. However, there is quite a few limitations and specific situations that merit a different approach. We recommend a smaller scale when modelling more than 2 hectares of real area.

An equally important aspect of choosing the model’s size and layout is the location and place of presentation. If you have enough space for a large model in your sales department, think about backlighting and overall lighting in the room.

Place the model in such an area where the customer will be able to view it from at least three sides. For a small office, use a desktop version with a smaller scale.

The best variant is:

  • a small model 0,7 m2,
  • 5 to 7 pieces of interior models in a scale of at least 1:50.

It will allow the client to get the perfect opportunity to analyse the model fully and to see all of its details. Although the cost of such a model is higher than the price of a larger model, its effectiveness is much higher. Simply put, you will sell more with these smaller models.

Working with architectural models

When coming up with a sales strategy, it's important to understand the approach of the sales department. The price and function of the model are very important in this regard.

In many cases, the model will attract a potential buyer. This is commonly the case at exhibitions or in shopping centres.

Despite all of this, sales requires direct contact with the client. When dealing with the client, follow our advice. It will allow you to sell more effectively, faster and with greater level of control:

  1. Invite the customer closer and show them all of the advantages and details of the model. These can be the main entrance, balcony or the general area as a whole.
  2. Some of the models can be touched and arranged according to the client’s needs. For these needs, models of specific apartments are the most suitable.
  3. Show the model during an evening. At the requires of our clients, we can add a sound system imitating the sounds during an evening, so that the client can get immersed into the tour with a full range of emotions.
  4. Include figures of people captured in everyday activities - barbecuing, housework or even playing with their children.
  5. Let us create detailed facades and realistic surfaces.
  6. Use the models to tell individual stories.
  7. Divide the clients into groups and introduce different benefits of the model to each group based on their needs and preferences. The benefits must highlight the future options that the customers will enjoy.
  8. Introduce the option of additional elements, such as self-opening gates, landscaping options, pergolas, opening blinds or swimming pools. The model is in itself the ideal opportunity to showcase customisation beyond the basic offering.

Contact us and we will be more than happy to help you with choosing an architectural model best suited for your needs. We will pick the right characteristics based on your specific needs and the models purpose. We don’t help our customers merely during the ordering process. Our goal is to help you achieve your goals. That’s why we came up with the All Inclusive service.

All Inclusive service includes:

  • Regular cleaning of the model every six months.
  • Technician support and repairs of small parts once a month.
  • Free delivery to your office
  • Free installation
  • Free demo and staff training

2022-07-05 13:18 Architectural models to sell your projects